Један Бог Славяна Род. Православие, которое связано с Прославлением Родных Славянских Богов. Родная Вера Славян. The flag and banner of the history of the Earth.

  • The symbol of Yin and yang, judging by the findings, this symbol has nothing to do with China. Artifacts depicting this symbol have been found in completely different countries... In Russia, Moldova, Romania and Bulgaria...
    • Memories of the Future" is the most famous of the documentaries about the mysteries of the origin of mankind and the origin of civilizations. The film is based on the book by Erich von Daniken "Chariots of the Gods", which, like the film, became a bestseller all over the world.
      • Its author, German researcher Erich von Deniken, shocked the imagination of the Soviet audience with his bold and audacious hypothesis in ancient times there were cosmonauts of antiquity, paleoastronauts on Earth.